Book Borrowing Guidelines

Book Borrowing:  Students may borrow books via our online LS2 System, during a scheduled library time, and during recesses.
  • Books put on reserve will be pulled by Librarian/Library Assistant and checked out to students.  Students will be sent a notice that their books are in and they have 3 days to pick them up from the Library Learning Center.
  • All books can be checked out for 14 days.
  • Students with overdue books or unpaid fines will not be allowed to borrow books until books are returned or fines are paid. 
  • It is highly recommended that students wear their name badges when borrowing books in the Library Learning Center, but it is not required.
  • Students should check books for damages BEFORE leaving the Library Learning Center.
Book Renewals:
    • Students may renew a book up to two consecutive times. After that the book must be returned to the library for others to have an opportunity to borrow.
    • Books should be brought back to the library before the due date for renewal to avoid overdue book notices.
Book Returns:  Check yellow Date Slips in books for return date.
    • Classes will have a box, bin, or basket for Library books to be returned in.  Either the Teacher or a student volunteer will return books to the Library Learning Center daily in the morning.
    • Return books in good condition – no physical damages or writing in book.
    • Protect books from damage. If raining, cover the books. (Refer to Book Care Tips).
Book Handling Procedures:  At Home
    • Students are encouraged to wash and/or hand sanitizer before and after reading books.
Book Handling Procedures:  At School
    • Any patron visiting the Library Learning Center is encouraged to hand sanitize before entering and before touching any Library books/resources.


    • Overdue book(s) – No fee will be charged.
    • Damaged or lost book(s) – A fee will be assessed to replace the book(s) for significant damages and/or if lost.  If books are damaged yet still in good enough condition to be circulated, a lesser fee will be assessed as determined by Librarian.
    • Refunds will be given if a lost book is found in good condition within 1 year of payment and copy of receipt is provided (per DOE guidelines).
 Overdue Book and Unpaid Fee Reminders:
    • Students with overdue books or unpaid fines will not be allowed to borrow until books are returned or fines are paid.
    • The following reminders will be made:
      • Quarterly reminders will be sent to all teachers by the Librarian/Library Assistant indicating an overdue book or unpaid fine. Homeroom teachers will remind students and families of the overdue book or unpaid fine via email, phone call, WebEx, or note in communication tablet/student planner.
      • If a book is still not returned after 14 days, a second reminder will be given out via same method as mentioned above.  Face-to-face students will receive a printed reminder.
      • If a book is still not returned after 14 days, a formal book bill will be sent home.
      • If a book is not returned or fine not paid, a second notification will be sent home.