5th Grade - Ms. Okamura Assignments

SY 2018-2019
5th Grade
Thank you for visiting our class page! 
"Upcoming Assignments" shows what is due today, as well as in the near future. Assignments are updated daily and should also be written in students' planners.  "Recent Posts" show a little about what we've been covering in the classroom, provide curriculum resources/overviews, and include class announcements.
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Assignment Calendar

Upcoming Assignments RSS Feed

No upcoming assignments.

Past Assignments



Book-It projects are due on Tuesday, 5/28. Students were informed that 4th graders, administrators, and SFPT teachers will be coming through to see all of our projects and reports. Please help to remind your child to bring in his/her project on time on Tuesday.
Have a great 3-day weekend!
We will not be assigning homework next week.
Please check our main page for any updates regarding happenings during our last few days at Mililani Waena!



Reading Log
Continue working on Book-It reports/projects



Reading Log
Work on Book-It 



Reading Log
Complete Math Addition/Subtraction packet 



Reading Log
Math packet due on FRIDAY instead. 
We did not have time to complete today's Math review lesson.



Reading Log
Math adding/subtracting fractions packet due Thursday
Weekly Evaluations



KidBiz Assignments due on Friday 5/17:
  • "Freedom: How We Got It"
  • "Birth of a Nation, Constitution: The Branches of Government"
  • OPTIONAL: "Birth of a Nation, Constitution: The Bill of Rights"
This week's KidBiz strongly connect to our last Social Studies unit on American Democracy! The third article is not required, but students are encouraged to at least read through it to support their understanding of the Bill of Rights. 
Happy reading!



Reading Log
Math Decimal Multiplication & Division Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations Tomorrow
Due to end of year testing, we will no longer have Spelling homework.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math Decimal Packet (due Monday)
We're having our refresher on rounding as well as addition and subtraction of decimals tomorrow.
Orange half sheets for Aloha Assembly lunch count are due tomorrow. Students who do not return a form will be counted for school lunch.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
Math Worksheet (Multiplication and Division Review)



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math Volume Review packet due Wednesday
Weekly Evaluations tomorrow.



KidBiz due Friday, 5/3:
  • "Pluto is Changing" Activity and Thought Question
  • Student Choice Activity



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
No Math homework



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
No Math homework
Homework was not checked in today due to our Track Meet field trip. 



Reading Log
Spelling 10 definitions
Math Worksheet
Track Field Trip tomorrow!
Students should wear their red shirts and walking shoes. Please also remind your child to bring a bottle of water. Hats and sunscreen are optional, but recommended. 



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math Coordinate Plane (review) Ws
Front and back
Weekly Evaluations
Evals were not signed by a teacher today. I will sign them upon being returned to class.
Addition to Weekly Evals: We are going to Mililani High School for our Track Meet on Wednesday, 5/1. Remember to bring a water bottle and wear your school shirt and covered shoes. 



Students do not have new homework tonight or tomorrow night.
We had SBA Reading Performance Tasks and a Math assessment today. Math SBA assessments begin tomorrow.
Students have Book-It due dates coming up this week and next week! I forgot to remind students about their rough drafts due tomorrow, so I will extend the due date until Friday, 4/26.



OPTIONAL Math worksheet (Volume Test Prep)
We have been completing these worksheets in class as a quick review of concepts that we previously covered. The only topic that we haven't reviewed in class yet was Volume, so it was given to students as at the end of today. We will go over questions and answers in class tomorrow.



Math 11.6 Worksheet
"Using Grids in Real World Context"
We did one side of this paper in class. Students will do the other side for homework.
No weekly evaluations this week. The next evaluation will go home on Monday, 4/29.
Planners were not signed today.



Complete any incomplete My Brother Sam is Dead worksheets from chapters 7-9.
Stepping Stones 11.5
Students were provided with time in class to complete their assignments. Many students took advantage of this work time and completed their worksheets prior to leaving the classroom on Thursday afternoon. 
Have a great 3-day weekend!



Math 11.4 Worksheet



Stepping Stones 11.3 worksheet



Math 11.1 and 11.2 worksheets 



Reading Log
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 9.10 & 9.11 worksheets
Earbud check tomorrow! Don't forget to bring in your earbuds so we're prepared for SBA next week!



Reading Log
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 9.9 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 9.8 Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math 4.12 Worksheet
Complete Wonders Packet



Reading Log
10 definitions (the other 10 words that were not used yesterday)
No math homework 



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Math 4.10 Worksheet
Weekly Evals



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 4.10 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations will go home tomorrow.



Spelling 10 Definitions
Math 4.8 Worksheet
Continue working on revising Book-It writing on Google Classroom. (We did our first lesson on revising narrative writing today.)



Although there is no homework assigned over Spring Break, students are encouraged to work on their March Book-It writing and projects that are due the week that we come back.
The deadline are listed below:
  • Wednesday 3/27: Book It first draft due (preferably typed)
    We will be conducting a lesson in class regarding punctuation and editing of a narrative writing. Although I have been lax over the due date of rough drafts in previous months, it will significantly help students to have a completed draft to edit together.
  • Friday 3/29: Final draft of chapter completed
    Students will be given approximately 30 minutes on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday to work on their drafts.
  • Monday 4/1: Book project completed (Be ready to share with the other classes!)
Have a relaxing Spring Break and I'll see everyone back at school on Monday, 3/25!



Spelling 3x Each
Math 4.7 Worksheet
Book-It first draft due on Wednesday
Please make sure that first drafts are completed by tomorrow. We will be revising writing together in class and reviewing the characteristics of a quality narrative writing.
Reading Log will not be assigned for homework this week so students can focus on completing Book-It writings and projects.



Reading Log
Fitness Fun Day is tomorrow!
Please remember to wear exercise clothes and bring a water bottle. A change of clothes is recommended, but not required.



Reading Log
Math Review Worksheet



Reading Log
Math Dividing Fractions Worksheet
Earth's Spheres Superhero Worksheet (Science) due Wednesday



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math Using Multiplication to Check Division Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
Math Divide a Whole Number by a Unit Fraction WS
Planners were not signed today.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
No Math Homework



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math Review Worksheet
Book-It projects and final drafts are due tomorrow. Students will be given time in class to type up final drafts. 



Reading Log
We started our author study today. Students are taking home various Roald Dahl books to read in class and at home. This can count for their Reading Logs. Each group assigned a certain amount of pages to read before class tomorrow. If this takes significantly less than the assigned 20 minutes, students were instructed to read their other book to complete the remaining time.
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 8.8 Worksheet
Students are asked to create their own fraction multiplication factors. The first six were randomly given to the class through fraction cards.
Yesterday, I said that Weekly Evaluations were coming home today. I apologize, but these evaluations did not make it home, as we were learning how to make a craft for our buddy class and it took a bit longer than anticipated. Thank you so much again for your understanding.



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 8.7 Worksheet
Due to SFPT, Weekly Evaluations will go home tomorrow. This week's evaluation will include the assignments from the past two weeks. Thank you for your understanding.



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach Chapters 28-31
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 8.4 Worksheet



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach ch 27 worksheets
Spelling ABC order
Math 8.3 worksheet



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach chapters 20-22 worksheets
Spelling 3x each
Math 8.1 Worksheet
Planners were not signed this afternoon.



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach ch 18-19
Spelling 10 definitions
No Math Homework
Weekly Evaluations went home today!



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach chapters 14-17 worksheets
Spelling ABC order
Math Review Worksheet
Weekly Evals tomorrow due to SFPT today.



We have weekend work this week! 
We learned about types of appeals in persuasive writing and discussed how different appeals are more effective in convincing others to agree with your stance. A great example of this can be found in advertising, such as television commercials.
Students are asked to watch 30 minutes of television and keep track of 5 commercials that are shown during this time. Students will record the type of appeal that they observe and we will have a discussion when we come back to school about which ones were more effective in convincing audiences. YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, etc. do not count as "television" for this assignment. 
Students who are unable to complete the assignment at home are welcome to come in before school on Tuesday to watch 5 commercials together in class so they will be able to participate in our discussion.
Thank you for your support and have a great 3-day weekend!



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach chapter 9 worksheets
Spelling 3x each
Math 7.6 Worksheet



Reading Log
James and the Giant Peach chapters 6-8 worksheets
Spelling 10 sentences
Math 7.4 Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
No Math Homework tonight.
Weekly Evaluations are coming home tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x each
No Math homework
Planners were not signed today.

Tomorrow is our Gr5 Complex Area Fitness Day Field Trip!

Please remember to...
  • Wear red/MWES shirt
  • Dress in PE attire (exercise clothes)
  • Wear covered shoes
  • Pack a home lunch
    We will be eating back in school, but will return after our scheduled lunch time.
  • Bring a bottle of water
    Students will have the opportunity to refill water bottles at stations throughout the event tomorrow.
  • Come with sunscreen already applied
  • (Hats are optional)
I suggest bringing a change of clothes and footwear for tomorrow if the weather looks like today. Students may want to change out of wet clothes/shoes when we return to school.



We January Book-It due dates are coming up this week!
  • Monday 1/28: 1st draft of book report completed
  • Wednesday 1/30: Final draft of book report completed
  • Thursday 1/31: Book project completed and ready to share with the whole grade level (gallery walk)



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
Math 7.1/7.2 worksheet
Tomorrow is our Mililani High School Music Showcase Field trip! 
Please remind your child to wear red and come to school prepared to walk to the high school!
(We also have a field trip on Friday for Complex Area Fitness Day, so if your child only has one red/MWES shirt, I recommend saving it until Friday.) - Home lunch is not needed for tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Weekly Evaluations



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
No Math homework due to SBA Interim testing
Weekly Evaluations will be sent home tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
No Math homework tonight



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math Adding Fractions with Related Denominators Worksheet
Mililani Middle School Orientation Field Trip Tomorrow!
We will be going to the middle school tomorrow morning! We'll be coming back to class at around 10:30, so home lunch will not be needed. Please wear your red/school shirts and covered shoes.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x each
Math Adding Common Denominators Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Sentences
No Math homework tonight



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Math Fraction Review Worksheet
5th grade panoramic photos and club/activity photos will be taken tomorrow! 
Picture taking will be at 8:15 tomorrow morning, so please come to school wearing the clothes that you want to be in for the panoramic. Students will have time to change prior to their club photos after lunch. 



Reading Log
Students have been doing a great job completing very thorough Reading Log responses! Keep it up!
Spelling ABC order
Math Stepping Stones 4.5 & 4.6 Worksheets



Reading Log
Reading Logs were not signed today.
Math 4.2 Worksheet
The French and Indian War p.4 comprehension questions
Students who did not finish these during class took them home for homework to complete.



Reading Log
Reading logs are reformatted for 2nd semester to be more open-ended and allow for more nonfiction reading. See the main page for a post explaining how students will fill out each day's log. It is almost exactly like The Sign of the Beaver annotations for each chapter.
Math 4.1 Worksheet
January Book-It criteria went home today. EDIT: Book checks will be on Monday, 1/14, after our visit to the school Library.
Mililani Middle School orientation field trip forms went home today. Please sign and return these as soon as possible.
Planners were not signed today. Thank you for your understanding.



December Book-It deadlines are coming up!
There are some modifications to deadlines, as noted by the red print in the attached document. A rough draft for the Book-It report is not required this month, as students will need to reflect on their project after they follow the instructions in their book.
This is not meant to be a lengthy Book-It report, as students are not expected to read through an entire instructional or how-to book. It was recommended that students who do not have a lot of time for this Book-It use a how to draw book or a book that teaches readers how to fold origami.
For book projects, students can take a photo of the book / page with instructions if it needs to be returned or is otherwise unable to be brought to school on Thursday. This is just required to ensure that students used a book for their project.
Students may choose to share what they made with the class. This is not required. If you would like to share what you learned to make, please make sure that there are no peanuts.
I can't wait to see what everyone learned how to do!



Triangle Trade Maps Worksheet
We have been working on this packet throughout the last two weeks. Students who lost their packet will be able to receive a worksheet tomorrow morning before school or during recess to complete.
Book-It Projects are due tomorrow.
There is no Reading Log assigned tonight so students can focus on completing their Book-It.



Reading Log
Math Q2 Review Worksheet
Today was a very busy day! We got a lot accomplished on a short SFPT day, but unfortunately ran out of time for evaluations. They will be sent home tomorrow. Thank you so much for your understanding. Planners were also not signed today.



Reading Log
Math 2.12 Worksheet
No Spelling this week.
Weekly Evaluations will go home tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 definitions
There is no Math assigned today, as students are continuing to work on building their understanding of finding the volume of irregular shapes. Planners were also not signed at the end of the day due to Science Fair taking a bit longer than expected. Thank you for your understanding.



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
We were in a rush to pass out Spelling Words today, so they may not be copied into students' planners. 
Math 2.11 Worksheet
SKIP Problem #2. We only covered irregular shapes that are made up of unit cubes in class today. We will be continuing our instruction on the volume of irregular shapes tomorrow.
Science Fair is TOMORROW! Remember to bring in all blue EDP/SIP folders along with your project (or photos of your project). 



Reading Log
Math 2.10 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations
There is no spelling today. We had SBA makeup testing in the morning. New words will be sent home tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
Math 2.7 Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Weekly Evaluations



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 5.11 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations will be sent home tomorrow due to SFPT today. 



11/29 UPDATE: November's Book-It final drafts will be due on Monday, 12/3. Due to testing, we were unable to provide students with class time to work on their final drafts. Thank you for your understanding!
November's Book-It final draft and project are due on Friday, 11/30.
The project worksheet is optional. Students can choose to draw their project on a different paper with the same criteria. This is not meant to be a time-consuming project, as I know that students are busy working on Science Fair at home.
Both the criteria sheet and the project worksheet are attached for student reference.



KidBiz due Friday 11/30
Student Choice
Three Worlds Meet: A 400-Year-Old Mystery Solved



Reading Log
Spelling 3x each
Math 5.10 Worksheet



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 25 worksheets
Spelling 10 Sentences
(No Math Homework)



Book-It book report first draft due on Google Classroom, handwritten, or printed. 



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 24 worksheets
Spelling 10 definitions
Math Review Worksheet



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 23 worksheets
Spelling ABC Order
Math Worksheet: Dividing a whole number by a whole number with a decimal quotient



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 21 worksheets
Math 12.11 Worksheet
We taught all the way up to the bell, so planners were not signed today.



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 20 worksheets
Students were dismissed from SFPT this afternoon and did not receive their Math homework for tonight. Planners were signed before lunch, so please ignore the written math assignment. Thank you.
Weekly Evaluations



KidBiz due Friday 11/16
  • Three Worlds Meet: Where is Christopher Columbus
  • Student Choice



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 19 worksheets
Spelling 3x each
Math Stepping Stones 10.7 Worksheet



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 18 worksheets
Spelling 10 Sentences
Math: Dividing Whole Numbers by Decimal Numbers Worksheet
If students are having a challenge with tonight's homework, they can come in tomorrow before school or during recess for more help. 
Weekly Evaluations 



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 17 worksheets
Spelling ABC order
Math 10.6 worksheet 
Remember, tomorrow is 2:05 release! We’re switching this week Wednesday and Friday schedules so we’ll get out at 1:00 on Friday for Fun Fair. 



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 14 worksheets
Spelling Activity - Word Search
Math Review Worksheet



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 14 worksheets
Spelling 3x each
Math Word Problems Worksheet
Due to conferences and Camp Erdman, we have fallen a little behind on our Weekly Evaluations. We will resume evaluations next week Tuesday. These upcoming evaluations will encompass last week and this week, as spelling words extend over the two weeks. Thank you for your understanding.



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 13 worksheets
Spelling 10 Sentences
Math 12.7 Worksheet
Students have been taught multiple strategies to divide decimals. Today, we worked on using the standard algorithm (long division) as a strategy. However, other strategies can also be used to solve tonight's math homework.



No homework tonight!
Stay safe for those of you trick-or-treating. Don't forget to pack for Camp Erdman tomorrow! See our class homepage for reminders and packing tips.
Weekly Evaluations were not sent home this week. A combined evaluation for this week and last week will be sent home next week Monday.



Book-It projects are due on Wednesday, 10/31.
Students who still need a poster paper can see me and get one from class. 



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 10 worksheets
Spelling 10 sentences ABC Order
This week's words will be assessed next week, as we have two short weeks (due to Camp Erdman and Election Day). Please make sure that your child is completing the correct homework each day, as posted on our website and written in their planners. Thank you for your support.
Math: Dividing Whole Numbers #1 Worksheet
Students were provided with multiple strategies to solve division equations. Students can use any strategy they choose. We discussed how some strategies (drawing dots in circles and skip counting) are not the most efficient strategies to use with big numbers.



Reading Log
Cross country students are excused from Reading Log tonight to focus on catching up on today's The Sign of the Beaver worksheets.
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 7 worksheets
Spelling 10 Sentences
Math Review Worksheet 



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 6 worksheets
Do not do the two skipped pages before Chapter 6 Worksheets labeled "Native Americans & Europeans." These questions will be discussed in class tomorrow.
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 10.5 Worksheet (one-sided)
Book-It book report first 



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 5 worksheets
Math Worksheet (one-sided)
Weekly Evaluations will be sent home tomorrow.
Planners were not signed today. Thank you for your understanding.



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 3 worksheets 
The last page, a letter to Matt's dad written from Matt's POV, is optional.
Spelling 3x each
Math 10.4 Worksheet



Reading Log
The Sign of the Beaver Chapter 2 Worksheets
Spelling 10 sentences
Math Worksheet #2
Camp Erdman field trip forms went home today! 



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math WS
The Sign of the Beaver chapter 1 worksheets
     Students are given time in class to work on the pages associated with each chapter of the book. We read the book together and fill in the first page (summary and annotations), then they will work with a partner or in small groups to complete the next page (this page matches our class focus and will often include a learning target). If they have time, they will be able to complete the vocabulary page, however, this is often taken home for homework. It is expected that students keep up and complete each chapter's pages each night so they don't fall behind with our class instruction.
     If your child is absent, please check this page to see what chapter was completed so they'll be able to jump right back in upon their return to school.
We will not have KidBiz this week to help students ease into the procedure of our novel study work.
A Science Fair parent packet went home today. Please check the main page soon for more information regarding Science Fair. 
Mililani Middle School track request forms went home today. It is important to turn these in as soon as possible to increase the likelihood of being placed in your preferred track. The last day to turn in forms will be on Friday, 10/19.



Fire Safety Book 
It is strongly recommended that students use some time over break to complete as much of their Book-It as possible. Students had the opportunity to get a poster paper for their projects on Friday. More paper can be provided when we return to school.
Have a great Fall Break and I’ll see everyone back in class on Tuesday, October 16th! 



Reading Log
Math Review Worksheet #3
Parent Teacher Conference confirmation papers went out today. Please let me know as soon as possible if you are unable to make your conference time. Thank you!



Reading Log
Math Review WS #2



Reading Log
Math Q1 Review Worksheet



Reading Log
Math Multiplication Review Worksheet
Weekly evaluations.
There is a typo on the Weekly Evals this week. The assigned KidBiz was "Higher Screen Time, Lower Grades."
Spelling and KidBiz are not assigned for this week.



Students should have turned in all September Book-It work by today, 9/28.  We will be sharing our reports and projects on Monday, so students who did not complete their assignments will be provided with an opportunity to turn in their work late. 
Book-It final drafts must be turned in typed and/or submitted on Google Classroom. Projects are open-ended to allow students room to flex their creativity as long as the criteria are met.
Thank you for supporting your child as they learn how to budget their time to complete long-term assignments. 
I've attached a copy of the September Book-It Criteria. October's Book-It will be shared with students on Monday. 



Book-It Book Project due
Examples were shown with students at the beginning of the month. This month's project does not have to be elaborate and time-consuming, as it is our first time doing a book project. 
I've attached some sample projects found on Google for student inspiration. Please remember to include all of the required criteria. (The sample images are not from our class, so they do not have all of the requirements that students are expected to include.)



Student Choice
"Higher Screen Time, Lower Grades"
KidBiz assignments are written on the homework board from Monday. Students who do not have access to computers at home can make accommodations with Ms. Okamura to complete their assignments.



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 2.5 Worksheet
Book-It Projects are due TOMORROW



EDIT: This deadline has been extended until Thursday, 9/26. Students will be given approximately 30 minutes of in-class time to work on typing their final drafts tomorrow.
Final draft of Book-It Book Report is due on Google Classroom or printed. 



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 2.4 Worksheet
Book-It Final Drafts are due tomorrow! (It was extended an extra day this month.) Students were given time in class today to complete their writing and have the opportunity to come in during recess time tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Math 2.3 Worksheet
I apologize for the late Weekly Evaluations. We have been running out of time to go over each week's evaluations due to afternoon assessments and SFPT dates. Weekly evaluations will be going home tomorrow. Thank you for your understanding.



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
Math 2.2 Worksheet
Parent Teacher Conference (blue) request forms went home today! Please mark your preference and return them before Friday (9/28)! Conferences will be scheduled in order of when they're turned in, so please turn in your paper as soon as possible to get your choice. Thank you!



Complete 1st draft of Book-It Book Report
This can be typed and submitted on Google Classroom or handwritten. The criteria sheet was shared with students, posted on our website, and is attached to this assignment for reference.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math Review Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 10 sentences
Math 1.12 Worksheet



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Math 1.11
We are continuing to work on this skill in class throughout the week. Students were told to try each problem. If they're unsure of how to write an expression, they were told to use CUBES to help them to understand the word problem first.



Reading Log
Spelling ABC order
Math 1.10 Worksheet
Field Trip tomorrow!
We will be walking to Mililani High School for the Golden Knights Parachuting presentation. We'll be back at school by 10:00, so we will be able to eat school lunch. Please remind your child to wear covered shoes and red shirts.
We ran out of time to sign planners and pass out Weekly Evaluations today. Thank you for your understanding.



KidBiz Activities due FRIDAY 9/14
  • Student Choice
    Must have at least 75% correct on the first try. If you get less than 75% correct, please choose a new article and complete the activity for credit.
  • "Happy 100 Years, Muir Woods!"
    The assigned article must be completed. If a student does not score 75% correct by the second try, please complete the stretch activity. This article connects to what we're learning about in Wonders this week.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x Each
Math 1.9 Worksheet
Students were having some challenges with this lesson today. If your child is unsure of what to do, it's okay to leave blanks on the worksheet to fill in tomorrow with more instruction. 
Tomorrow is DOT DAY
To celebrate, we'll be painting a banner to put up outside of our classroom. It is strongly recommended for your child to bring an old shirt or an apron to help keep school clothes clean. 



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Sentences
Math Worksheet: Investigating order with one operation
Picture taking is tomorrow.
Students should come to school in clothes for picture taking and can bring a change for the rest of the day. We're taking pictures at 8:00am.
Assessments went home today. Please sign and return the tests by Friday. 



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Definitions
Math 7.12 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
No Math homework
Weekly Evaluations are coming home tomorrow.



Reading Log
Spelling 3x each
Math 3.9 Worksheet
Please fill out and return Federal Survey Cards by tomorrow.
We have PE tomorrow. Please remind your child to dress appropriately and bring a water bottle.



Reading Log
Spelling 10 Sentences
Math 3.6 WS (one-sided)



Reading Log
Spelling 10 definitions
Math 5.4 Worksheet
Weekly evaluations went home today. Please sign both papers (Assignment Log and GLO Self-Evaluation) and return the folder by Friday. Thank you!



Reading Log
Spelling ABC Order
We wrote Wonders Unit 1 Week 2's spelling words on next week's list in our planners. We will assess these words next week Friday.
No Math homework tonight



Reading Log
Math 3.11 Worksheet



Reading Log
Math 3.9 Worksheet
Spelling/Grammar worksheet
Weekly Evaluations
(Please sign and return by Friday.)
Tomorrow students will take their Reading and Spelling tests. Students took home their Spelling notebook to review their words. The word list can also be found on our recent posts and on the Wonders Overview on our homepage.



Reading Log
Math 3.6 Worksheet
Weekly Evaluations will be going home tomorrow.



Students will only have Spelling work this long weekend:
  • Write 10 sentences (quality 5th grade sentences that use appropriate capitalization and punctuation) 
  • Write each word 3 times each
We will be continuing to work with these words when we come back on Monday, so it would be beneficial for students to practice their words throughout the weekend rather than rush through it all today. There will be no Reading Log or Math, although if students would like additional practice, please see below for possible work options (these will not be checked in when we return to school, but will help students practice skills we are currently working on).
  • Continue reading at home & log thoughts/annotations on a folder paper
  • Wonders worksheets (see "U1W1 home" attachments)
  • Math worksheet (see attachment)
  • IXL: 
    • A.2, A.4, A.4, A.5, A.7
    • G.1, G.2, G.3, G.4, G.6, G.8
  • KidBiz articles
  • I-Ready Reading & Math



Reading Log
Math 3.2 Worksheet
Spelling 10 Definitions

Our class will be going to visit the Book Fair tomorrow. If you would like to send money with your child to purchase books at that time, please put any money into an envelope or Ziploc bag labeled with your child’s name and our class number, B1-D. We will be visiting the Book Fair first thing in the morning. Students who do not bring money will be able to make a Wish List and can purchase books any time before the end of the week.



Reading Log
Spelling - ABC order
Students received cards for in-class review of spelling rules each week. The words to put in alphabetical order are the ones on the paper glued into notebooks and labeled #1-20.
Math 3.1 Worksheet
(It's only one-sided for today.)
Weekly Evaluations will be held onto until Open House tomorrow, when I will explain how the evaluation was created and how to sign it.
SBA Parent Reports from last year's assessments went home today. Students were instructed to put it directly into their red folders and not take it out until they got home.



No Homework will be assigned on the last day of each week if students keep up with their homework and classwork. 
I apologize for the confusion some students had concerning Reading Log. Thursday's Reading Log assignment was labeled as "no school," since there was no upcoming school on Friday. Holidays will be more clearly labeled as we progress through the year to make this clearer.
Thank you for your understanding!



Reading Log
Math 1.4 Worksheet



Reading Log
Math 1.5 Worksheet



Reading Log
There are two parts of Reading Log. Students were shown how to fill in the boxes and practiced reading comprehension strategies last week.
  • Students are to log what book they read on the yellow paper, along with the author, and time spent reading. (Reading level is optional and can be left blank if students are unsure)
  • The white pages have boxes for annotations ("what I think as I'm reading"). Students can pick any two boxes and fill in what they were thinking as they read. We reviewed Reading Comprehension strategies last week, so the words should be familiar to them. There are two boxes labeled "no annotations" and can be used both in one day or split up.
As this is the first Reading Log assignment, there may still be some confusion as to how to fill it in. We will review and answer any questions that students had tonight during class time tomorrow.
Math 1.1 and 1.2 worksheets
We had a rushed Math block today due to Lunch Monitors. We went over the concepts covered on the worksheets, but ran out of time for extended practice. Students were instructed to try their best on their homework and can skip problems if they are unsure of how to answer them.



Normally, homework is not assigned on the last school day of the week and planners will not be checked at the end of this day.
There are a few optional forms that went out at the end of this week:
Mililani Waena School Tshirt order forms (orange) are due by Wednesday 8/15
Running Club forms (green) are due by Thursday 8/16 if your child is interested in joining the Running Club this year.



Tomorrow is the last day to bring in pictures/photos for our All About Me Circle Map. Students can choose to draw and write instead of use photos.
We will be taking ID photos tomorrow. This is only for our school IDs and are not available for purchase. 
Students received a multiplication puzzle today for review. Some students chose to take this home to work on, but it is not required to be completed yet. Time will be provided tomorrow to continue this worksheet.



Continue to bring in All About Me Circle Map pictures/photos. 



Thank you for your promptness in turning in the beginning of school forms/paperwork!
Please turn in any missing forms as soon as possible.
Continue to bring in photos and magazines for our All About Me Circle Map Collage. Students can also choose to draw and/or write in the Circle Map in addition to or instead of bringing in photos.



Sign and return forms.
Bring in pictures for "All About Me" Circle Map.
We will be working on our collage in class on Thursday, so students have time to find and bring in pictures. Students can also draw/write in their Circle Maps.
Bring a book to read in class. 
Students may choose to borrow a book from our classroom library.